Thursday, October 13, 2011

Thing #9 Flickr

Okay, since Halloween is just around the corner and my mind has been drifting towards that holiday, I happened to find some interesting images on the following flickr.

These are from "Nightmares Fear Factory, a haunted house in Niagra Falls.  The pictures are taken in the house as the visitors are being spooked.  The reaction from the vivtors occur when a car coems crashing through a wall towards them. 

Justin Perry explains:

 What the people in the photos are seeing is a car coming at them at high speed, crashing through a wall.
The Nightmare Fear Factory tour is completely pitch black so that you can’t even see your hand in front of your face and your eyes never adjust to the darkness. For 10-15 minutes you follow these tiny red lights through the darkness. Guys in freaky costumes jump out at you from nowhere, often grabbing you and pushing or pulling you. The fear comes from a combination of people jumping out and grabbing you accompanied by creepy noises like eerie music, loud screaming, sinister voices, and even whispers right in your ear.
By the time you get to the part with the car you’re thinking, “holy crap these people might just be crazy enough to let this car run me over.” And that is the reason why people are looking so terrified in the photos.
In all, about half a million people have gone through the Nightmare Fear Factory over the last 30 years and of those, about 100,000 have chickened out and had their names put on the public “chicken list”. There are some potential privacy issues, as your tour is recorded and played live in the lobby, and of course when you get to the car part they take your picture and post in on Flickr if you look ridiculous enough.

I don't think we would be able to use this in our library although it would be fun to set it up. I would be game. :)

Friday, September 23, 2011

Thing # 8 YouTube

I lliked this blues song about bringing back the books.

The blues melody is good and the words are funny.

Thing #7 Skype

I am ashamed to say I am just finishing #7, Skype.  I hope to follow through with at least 5 more things before we get to #23!
I only used the IM on Skype, but it was fun and I plan to use it from my home computer as a way to keep in contact with family members in other states. I contacted a co worker as well as a former student assistant in Alabama. I'm sure this is also being used for our military to visually be able to see and talk to spouses, and family, making contact more personal than mail.
Skype could be used as a way to reach employees out of town, and offer meetings as well.  The library could also contact other libraries and institutions in a more personal manner and keep up with the trends more efficiently.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Thing #6 Screencasting

Well, I am WAY behind!  I hope to catch up before August!

Thing #6 - Screencasting

The screencasting tool I first chose was CamStudio.  This screencast proved to be too difficult for me.  (but I confess, I am technically challenged).  I then tried another screencast, Screen-O-Matic: .  The instructions were easy to follow, especially for someone like me :)  They also include a visual demonstration, which I found very helpful, since I am brand new to screencasting.

I'm sure screencasting is being used by folks in the library, perhaps for demonstration in instruction?  Sorry, but my mind is blank as to a clever idea how the library could use it.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Thing #5 Facebook

I have gotten a little behind in my 23 things, but hope to catch up soon. 

Thing #5 Facebook:
Belk Library does very well with our facebook page.  I compared our facebook page to the ones at WCU, NCSU, Towson State University, and Watauga County libraries.

The only reccomendation for our facebook page that I might suggest would be to include some utubes to make it fun, as well as perhaps a joke or thought for the day.  We do an excellent job of getting library information on it, and keeping it all up to date :)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

New Location for Lower Level Service Desk

Our new lower level service desk is open in it's new location!  It has been busier since we are now more centralized on the floor and students seem to like it!

The old service desk has been moved against the wall and tables put in it's old space.  We hope to add 4 or 5 MAC computers on to the top of the desk for student use.