Monday, November 29, 2010

What Libraries Could Use Twitter For


ASU Library is already using twitter.  We have used it as a way to communicate to others, events and news that is happening in the library and on campus. Latest news includes our 2010 Student Employee READ  posters, the Kindle Reader Pilot Project, and our new digital sign above our Reference Desk.  Last winter when classes were cancelled, we used twitter to get the word out.  More and more library's will be using this in the future,  as it has already become a popular means to communicate.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Thing #2

  1. Here is the #2 thing.  (I'm technology challanged, so pleases bear with me)

I chose five feeds for this assignment:

  • Librarians Guide to Etiquette:

        I chose this site as it shows a humorous side of working in a   
        library which I can certainly relate to.  And we can all use a laugh or  
        two to get through the day.
  • Life Just Keeps Getting Weirder:
        Weird is fun to watch and read about.
  • Southeast Camper:
         I chose this as my husband and I go camping and he is really in to    
         dutch oven cooking.  (which means I don't cook when we go camping,
         and since he cooked, he gets to do the clean up.  I'm SO glad I got him
         the set of cast iron cookware for Christmas!)           
  •  Unshelved   
          I was sent this link from a librarian where I work.  It contains 
          a comic strip each day about libraries and librarians.  Some are really

  • 23 Things

         I subscribed to this site because Scott Rice said it was required to
         finish thing #2.